How to Create an App Without Coding

Here's how to get started with no-code app development.

Greig Robertson

Digital Content Lead
· 9 minute read
Mobile app screens

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If you have a smartphone or a tablet device, you’ll be familiar with the term ‘app’. Apps are external applications you can download onto your device and use. There are millions of apps available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. If you create an app that goes viral, you could easily make a small fortune. Sounds like a lot of hard work though, right? With an app builder, you could be the next big thing on the app store’s chart list, and you don’t even need to know how to code.

Over the last few years, increasing numbers of people have been looking to build their own websites, and now, lots of people are looking to build their own apps, too. Historically, building a platform of any type required a professional developer, especially for apps. It’s only in the last 10 years that apps have begun to take off and become an integrated part of our lives. The good news is that the explosion in popularity has seen the creation of app builder platforms, so you no longer need to hire a professional – you can build your own!

You’re probably asking yourself ‘will I need a basic level of coding before I start creating an app?’, but the answer is no.

We’re going to explain how you – a complete beginner – can create an app with little to no experience, but first, let’s talk about why you should be chomping at the bit to create an app in the first place.

Why you need to create an app

If you’re alive right now, you’ll know what apps are. You probably use apps for your online banking, to scroll social media, to keep in touch with friends, and to check the weather. You’ve likely contributed to the $3.5 trillion of mobile ecommerce revenue generated in 2021 by shopping through your smartphone or tablet on an app. Perhaps you even took part in the Pokemon Go craze that took the world by storm in 2016.

Long story short, if you own a smartphone you will have used an app at some point, and you’re in the majority.

Here are some interesting quick facts about apps:

  • 90% of all internet time on mobiles is spent on apps
  • Gen Z (digital natives) spend 71% of their digital media time on apps
  • More than 250 million apps are downloaded every day
  • 21% of millennials check their apps over 50 times a day
  • 75% of people have more than 10 apps installed on their mobile device
  • App revenue is increasing and is forecast to hit $1 trillion by 2023

Convincing, right? If you have a brand, business or website, you should seriously consider making an app. At the very least, your website needs to be mobile responsive, but if you want to maximise your impact, especially if you’re an ecommerce business, an app is the next best step.

Creating an app as a beginner

Don’t be intimidated at the thought of making an app. What was once a highly technical job is now something even the most inexperienced technology user can do in just a few taps and clicks. There are a whole host of app builders for you to choose from which make it easier than ever for you to get your app up and running without the need for a developer.

With so many app builders out there, it can be difficult for beginners to know which platform to go for. Below, we explore some of the most widely used app builder platforms, giving you all the information you need to choose a builder and make an app, even if you’re a complete novice.

#1, a no-code app builder

At, we are experts in app design and build. We are an award-winning app-building platform and were the winners of The Europas Hottest AI Startup award in 2020. Our apps make a real difference to small businesses and brands like yours. You can choose from a range of specially crafted app interfaces, each one designed to get your app off the ground within weeks. We offer a range of paid and free templates, so if you have a small budget you can enjoy a sleek app design - without having to pay the earth for it.

We don’t charge commission on sales made through our ecommerce apps, and we offer reliable and accurate data that can move with your app if you decide to host it elsewhere in the future. gives you all the bells and whistles with a myriad of cool and unique features to make your brand stand out, but you don’t need to worry an ounce about the work behind the scenes. We handle it all so you don’t have to.

When you host with us, you can relax knowing that your app and all its data are safe and secure, and you can make changes to your app at any time you want, allowing for instant, real-time updates to reflect your growing brand.

Join our thousands of happy customers and start building your app today.

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#2 AppyPie

AppyPie markets itself as a no-code development platform. They specialise in all aspects of app building and have more than seven million customers around the world. Along the way they have won a multitude of awards, including the G2 Easiest Admin Summer 2021 award – a testament to how easy the platform is to use. If you’re a beginner and want something super easy to introduce you to app building, Appy Pie is a good option.

To begin building an app, all you need to do is enter your business name, choose the sector you’re in, select a favoured colour scheme and choose whether you want to build an Apple or an Android app. It doesn’t get much simpler than that.

On top of this, they also help you publish your app on either the Google Play or Apple App Store. For beginners, AppyPie is a popular choice.

#3 Adalo

Adalo is a popular app builder because it follows a similar format to a website builder. You can choose a theme and elements that you want to include and add them to your design by simply dragging and dropping.

Like and AppyPie, there are both free and paid plans for you to choose from. The cool thing about Adalo is that if you create multiple apps, you can manage them all from the same database, making it easy to see all your data in one place.

Adalo is the definition of no hassle, especially when you consider you can launch both iOS and Android apps in fast succession.

#4 GameSalad

Gamesalad, a gaming app builder

More than 82% of the revenue made on the Apple App Store comes from games, highlighting the fact that mobile games are still very much in demand, despite the fall off of Pokemon Go five years ago. GameSalad is an online app builder designed specifically for games, but it takes the complexity out of the process.

Like Adalo, GameSalad uses a drag and drop interface, making it exceptionally easy for beginners to get to grips with. The only downside is that new users may download and design their game for free, but after that, you will need to pay a yearly fee.

#5 AppInstitute

AppInstitute is designed specifically for small businesses. It has helped over 150,000 beginners build their own apps from scratch, making the process as easy as possible in just four steps. It’s another builder that uses a drag and drop format for ease of use, but it also provides an online chat service. This means if you do get confused along the way, someone will be available to help you.

Another benefit of AppInstitute is that you can publish your app on the App Store and the Play Store instantly. You also won’t be charged or asked to pay a single penny until you decide to publish your app. If you require a functioning app in a hurry, App Institute is a great option.

#6 Andromo

The world is split between Apple and Android users. The majority of all the apps in the world can be found on the Apple App Store, but the Android market is a lucrative one, too. Andromo is an Android-centric app builder, so if you’re looking to specifically target Android users, this could be a good option for you.

Each app is developed in Android native code, making publishing onto the Google Play Store a doddle. What’s more, Andromo has its own advertising network which makes it exceptionally easy for you to make money via app advertising. Overall, it’s a viable and worthy solution for those looking to publish exclusively with Android.

#7 Appery

Appery, an app builder

Appery boasts more than 10 years of experience and half a million users. The unique thing about Appery is that it is built entirely on the Cloud, so you don’t need to download or install anything in order to build your app.

Like most other app builder options, Appery makes use of a drag and drop format. You can choose from a wide array of both free and paid templates. After populating the content and dragging in the features you want to use, you can make a new database or connect an existing one. This is particularly useful if you have a website and want to sync up your new app with it.

Another cool feature is that you can create both mobile and desktop apps, so whether you want to target desktop or mobile users with your app, you can. Appery is generally known to be very user-friendly, so it’s worth exploring as a beginner.

These are only seven of the app builders available. To choose the right one, have a play with them all and see which solution is easiest for you to use and offers all the features you need. This is why free plans are particularly useful when you’re just starting out.


How to create an app for Android?

You can create an app for Android using any of the app builders listed above, but Andromo is Android specific and makes apps in native Android code. Over 3.5 trillion minutes were spent on apps on Android devices in 2020 alone, so it’s well worth your time making an app that works on both Apple and Android devices to maximise your audience and potential.

Why build an app for your business?

There are so many benefits building an app can have on your business. From improved engagement and a better user experience through to interactive features and an increase in business growth, creating an app is a positive move for every business looking to stay relevant and improve their performance.

Where can I create an app? (

You can create a sleek and powerful app using We are a one-stop-shop for everything app-related. You can choose a pre-packaged app design, customise it to suit your needs, and launch it in as little as two weeks. We take care of everything, from the initial conception through to the hosting of your app after it has launched.

How to create an app from scratch?

If you want to create an app from scratch, you will need to make a wireframe of how you expect your app to work. You can hire a developer to help with your app design, or you can learn to use specific software. When you have a wireframe, you will need to do some market research and gather some feedback. You can design two prototypes with small differences to do A/B testing. After this, you can hire a developer who knows how to create an app to build it.

Alternatively, you can use a to design, build and host your app using tried and tested formats guaranteed to show your brand in the best light and drive growth. Best of all, it takes just days to build an app using our state-of-the-art software. No need to code at all!

Greig Robertson

Digital Content Lead

Greig is the Digital Content Lead at and a University of Bristol History grad. He has 5+ years’ experience in B2B SaaS, creating data-driven, human-friendly content for high-growth tech startups. When Greig needs a dopamine hit, he checks’s keyword rankings.

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