How to Build Apps with Confidence

See how you can drastically reduce the chance of your app project failing...

Alexandra Harper

Content Lead at
· 5 minute read
An illustration of app building without coding

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So, you’ve got a great idea for an app. But your technical knowledge is limited, or you don’t know even the first thing about coding. Don’t let that deter you from bringing your idea to life. In fact, there are a number of ways to create an app that don’t require any experience or technical know-how. In this article, we’ll explore some of the options available for anyone looking to develop a high-quality app.

Can you build an app without coding?

The answer is YES! Despite common misconceptions, you don’t need to have programming skills or coding knowledge in order to build an app - you just need an app idea worth building.

Things to consider before starting your app development

The reality is, 78% of software projects fail. To avoid becoming part of this statistic, you need to take a number of things into consideration before you begin building your app. By doing your homework and asking yourself tough questions early on, you’ll be able to minimise the chances of your project failing - and gain confidence in the product you’re building. Before getting started, take some time to:

  • Zero in on your purpose - Be brutally honest with yourself about the “why”. Why this app? Why now? How will this app help or entertain its users? Defining what you intend to achieve with this app will not only inform the development process, but help you market and sell your product later down the line.
  • Analyse the competition - It’s wise to identify any potential competitors with products similar to your idea. How will you differentiate your app? What will this app offer that competitors can’t? Analysing competitors will put you and your product in a strong position to succeed.
  • Nail down your target audience - Understanding your users is possibly the most important step in the pre-development stage. After all, this is the group who will determine whether your app succeeds or fails. Who are you trying to reach with this app? What do they want, and how will this app serve a purpose for them?

Once these steps are complete, it’s time to establish a budget for your app and decide how you want the app to look. The design for your app can be conceptualised through simple sketches, or through the creation of an app prototype.

What are the current options for building an app?

Thanks to technology, there’s now an abundance of options available for getting your app built. With so many methods out there it can be overwhelming to know which avenue is best for your project.

Learn how to code

It goes without saying, but learning how to code is a possibility for those looking to develop their app ideas. There are a number of courses, books, and online resources available that can help you get started. The advantage of knowing how to code is that you’ll be able to build the app yourself, so you’d be saving money that might otherwise be spent on hiring a developer. It can also open up new opportunities for other products that you may want to build. However, this is by far the most time-consuming option as it can take a long time to acquire the skills necessary to know how to create an app, much less an app with cutting-edge technology. Building the app yourself can actually cost you more money in the long run, as you’ll spend precious time and energy trying to learn not only how to build the app but also how to maintain it. Many self-taught developers also end up spending money on professional developers to fix complicated features and bugs.

Use a software development agency

Alternatively, you can hire a software development agency in order to get your idea built. Going through an agency is best if you plan to establish a long-term partnership with them to work on multiple projects. Because software development agencies are pricey and projects can take a long time to finish, this option may be best for companies who are already established and profitable. If you hope to have a lot of control over your finished product or need something built relatively quickly, an agency is not the best choice for you.

Utilise SaaS platforms

Another option is to use a SaaS platform, or software-as-a-service. SaaS platforms allow you to access your project at any time, as they are a cloud-based service. SaaS platforms are best suited for anyone who has limited time and resources to build an app. SaaS solutions are quick to scale, easy to use, and often inexpensive compared to other options. On the other hand, SaaS has some disadvantages - there can be issues with data security, low performance, and you lose some control over the end-product.

Develop apps fearlessly with

Having little technical knowledge shouldn’t be a barrier to getting your ideas off the ground. In today’s world, there are a number of options out there to help you build a software project, which brings us to our last way of getting your app built: At Builder, we firmly believe that anyone should be able to build an app, no matter their level of expertise.

When you choose Builder, you won’t have to worry about the drawbacks that are typically associated with self-taught coding, software agencies, and SaaS solutions. Builder is the most cost-effective solution on the market for entrepreneurs looking to build apps. We guarantee that your app will be built with top-notch security and will provide you with access to a network of expert developers to ensure your project is always running smoothly. Through Studio One, we offer ongoing support to address any bugs and performance issues that come up. From the start, you’ll receive a fixed price and a competitive timeline, so from ideation to aftercare, you’ll know exactly what to expect at every stage about how much your project will cost and how long it will take. And perhaps most importantly, with Builder, you’re getting a fully customised solution - the code is 100% yours to keep once the project is finished.

Ready to get building? Book your demo with today.

Alexandra Harper

Content Lead at

Alexandra is the Content Lead at With 4+ years of experience across B2B tech marketing and SaaS solutions, Alexandra specialises in creating accessible AI and Machine Learning content for enterprise. She has a BA in English Literature and Creative Writing from Royal Holloway, University of London.

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