Build a vegetable delivery app

Build a vegetable delivery app for mobile platforms (iOS & Android) and web, without writing code. Building an e-store for delivering vegetables online is easy, fast and cost-effective with us, whether it's a single grocer's app or a third-party app (i.e., a vegetable vendor aggregator app) or a marketplace (an Amazon for vegetable delivery). We've helped hundreds of SMBs to transform their business digitally and can help you too. Start digital transformation for your business, today!

Serving the world's leading brands

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Vegetable app screen

What can you build with us?

Grocery delivery app for vegetable delivery

This pandemic has affected many industries, including food industry, and transformed the business models. Today, businesses are operating on digital platforms (mobile apps and websites) and these platforms are not just helping them operate during this trying time but are the main source of revenue. Now, it's time for vegetable vendors to put their business online. Here's what you can build with us.

Marketplace: Build a marketplace for vegetable vendors or an aggregator platform that enables vegetable sellers (vendors) to sell and deliver vegetables online. Building a marketplace like (a marketplace for online grocery and vegetable delivery) is quick and easy thanks to our human-assisted AI (a software assembly line) that builds your product fast and costs you 3 times less than usual. 

Start your marketplace for online vegetable delivery on a single platform or build yours for all of them. You can build for web, iOS and Android users or build your MVP (minimum viable product – a stripped back version you can launch early and use to get feedback) first to test the market.   

e-Store: Build an e-store for online vegetable delivery for iOS, Android and web, today. It’s a single vendor application that enables you to sell and deliver vegetables online. We’ve launched pre-packaged apps (delivery service apps and e-store apps) for small businesses hit by Covid-19. In fact, they just won the ‘Best Innovation for Covid-19 Recovery’ at CogX 2020. If you want to launch your e-store for your vegetable business, we can help you set up yours today – at very affordable rates.

Start building your app or talk to our product experts, if you want to discuss your app idea and the scope of your application.

Start building

Amazing features for your vegetable e-store app

Grocery app for vegetable delivery with payment screen

Like any other food delivery app or e-shop, your vegetable delivery app needs to be feature-packed to improve the user interface, shopping experience and help your app users shop effortlessly. Before you start your food delivery app development, we recommend you to have a look at these must-have, amazing features for your vegetable delivery app.

  • One tap login: The new norm in e-shop and food delivery apps, which allows your active users to login using their Gmail, Facebook, or Linkedin account. It makes logging in easy and fast, resulting in a pleasant user experience and higher customer satisfaction.   
  • Search:Key feature for your delivery app. A smart search allows users to find what they are looking for and deliver results based on their search queries.  
  • Filters:Another essential app feature that helps active users sort their search results as per their preferences. 
  • Listing:e-shop apps need listing or categories that allow users to navigate to a broad range of menu items listed on your store.  
  • Ratings & reviews: Let your app users rate their experience as this will help other users make better decisions – and increase user engagement.
  • In-app payment process: An app without in-app payment options is not considered an app in today’s era. Don’t forget to have a multi-payment service.
Start building

6 steps to build your vegetable delivery apps

Grocery app for vegetable delivery with item lists
  1.  Decide on your type of software: What kind of vegetable delivery application do you want to build with us? Whether it’s a mobile app, a desktop app, a web app, or something else – you can select one or any combination.
  2. Choose the most similar app to your app idea: Choose the most similar app to your app idea (for example, food ordering app). There are hundreds of on-demand delivery app templates to choose from that could be the best fit if you’re planning to build something that already exists in the world.
  3. Select the features you want: Go with the auto-suggestion from our AI-powered library of features for your vegetable delivery app, or add any custom ones you want in your application. 
  4. Select the launch platform: Do you want to go with iOS, Android, Desktop OS (Windows or Mac) or web? Select the launch platform you want to launch your vegetable app – go with one or a combination of all.
  5. Select your team and delivery time:Choose the team from the global time zone you prefer and your delivery time (how quickly you want your vegetable e-shop app developed).
  6. Launch the app:You’re ready to launch your vegetable e-shop apps. We’ll help you prepare for a successful launch.
Start building

Why build yours today?

Grocery app for vegetable delivery with products listed

This pandemic has affected many industries, including food industry, and changed our business models. Now delivery apps, contactless delivery and online payments are the new normal for daily essential business, whether it's grocery stores, vegetable shops, pharmacies, or something else. We need to bring our businesses online, offer delivery options, facilitating customers to order and pay through apps.

Today many of us – retail outlets and consumers alike – are now relying on third-party delivery services and marketplaces to buy and sell products online but this aggregator model creates a lot of competition and not all business organisations are able to sell on these platforms. Having your own e-store helps you build your brand, customer loyalty, and make big savings. Protecting your hard-earned money from having to pay commission fees every month to these platforms.

We've brought you pre-packed delivery apps for a fraction of the cost. They're award-winning and you can get yours within 8 weeks. Or build any kind of custom delivery app for web, iOS, and Android users. The time to build is right now. Start building your vegetable delivery app today!

Start building

Case studies

Solving complex business challenges for global brands like the BBC, Siam Makro, Fujitsu and Virgin Unite.


How we helped Moodit’s users “crowdsource” positivity

With our help, Dr Hassan Yasin created a mental health app designed to help children and adolescents express their worries and improve their social connectedness.

Siam Makro

How we saved Makro 98.3% on order management software costs

Asia’s largest cash and carry needed software that could scale with their rapid growth, so we built them something that allowed them to onboard new customers without technical hiccups.

BBC Click Live

How we helped the BBC run a world-class event experience

BBC Click producers needed an app that enabled their live audience to interact with polls and questions, which delivered in double-quick time.

Want to launch your app like a rocket?

Then learn how to:

  • Create an app strategy to keep your project on track

  • Build an MVP to visualise your project and test functionality

  • Keyword optimise your app so it's visible on mobile app stores

Get the 6-step guide