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One cafe owner serving up delicious food to local customers found a simple solution to serve up safely during the pandemic. Helping her make more money by selling online and avoiding all the unnecessary fees on her sales. But there were a few hiccups before she got there…

Eat@Denby’s app screens
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The biggest one facing most small businesses today: Covid-19. How do you run a restaurant when people aren’t allowed to come in? And how do you futureproof your restaurant for whatever’s next?


Studio Store gave Louise her own apps and websites with all the features she needed, including a simple ordering system that customers enjoy using. No commission on her orders meant she could also keep more of her hard-earned profits.

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Project Overview


Studio Store

An app like

Restaurant app


42 features

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I loved the fact that the app and website is an asset to my business. There are no commission charges, the payment plan to pay for the app and website was affordable and simple, with no hidden charges and the product is fantastic.


Founder, Eat@Denby’s

A cafe in peril

Louise has spent 8 years running pubs, restaurants and cafes, but after Covid she realised quickly that she needed to move her whole business model fast. “We have a strong customer base, but without them being allowed to walk in and order food and drinks and enjoy themselves, we had to move our business model online."

Choosing the right small business solution…

Searching for solutions only led to more confusion, "I looked online at the many businesses on Google that offer website building, app development, QR codes, the products available all sounded great, but I have little development experience.” It’s that lack of knowledge that stops so many businesses taking the action that could save them.

Like so many others, Louise asks, “And how do I know it's right for my business in these uncertain times?”

Eat@Denby’s app screens
Eat@Denby’s app screens
…without making things worse!

“At one of my pubs, we tried to get our own online ordering system going, but we quickly found that the customers could not order what they wanted”

This chaotic ordering process was not just affecting customers, but harming profits - “we were losing more money than we were making due to the ‘system’ not being fit for purpose.”

Serving up small business success

Louise was relieved that our website made her feel in control - especially with no commission on her sales.

“The website and app built by is very professional looking, the customers can order easily without any of the gimmicks you see on other apps and it works”

Louise was also impressed by our aftercare, “Some website providers just sell you a site, and then forget you.”

Eat@Denby’s app screens
Some of the features used

Discounts & Offers

Display a list of all available discounts and offers. Can be used as a way of boosting customer loyalty and encouraging purchases.


Loyalty System

Offer discounts and rewards to users based on how much they use your product. Often used to help build customer loyalty and increase the number of active users.


QR Codes

Uses the device's camera to scan QR codes. The results are then displayed on the screen for the user to click/tap on.



Add a referral program to your product. Existing users can share your product, and you can track if this results in more users signing up.



Users can reserve a ticket inside the product. Filters can include times (for events), seats (for transport & restaurants).


Sales Reporting

Generate a sales report showing the metrics you need. Includes the option to filter by date to evaluate historical performance.


Time Tracker

Track how long a user spends on a task inside the product. Log manual times, or set the tracker to start and stop based on actions that suit your goals.


API Integration

Integrate another piece of software with the product so they 'talk' to each other by automatically sending and receiving data. You can then use or make the data and software available to users.


Categories & Sub categories

Use categories and subcategories to organise and group data, products, listings or posts. Helps manage large amounts of data, and can benefit users when they want to search and filter items.

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