Build e-learning platform

Build an online learning platform (app and web) like, Coursera, edX or Khan Academy without writing code – at double the speed and a far lower development cost. It takes 10 minutes or less to see how your app idea looks in the real world. Spec your app with Builder Now (an instant app prototype tool) or build it with Builder Studio (a no-code app builder). Get started today!

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Online learning app screen

What kind of e-learning platforms can you build?

e-learning app screens with course detail

You want to educate the world, we want to help you do that. Before you start building your e-learning app, let's have a look at what kind of educational platform you can build.  

eLearning marketplace:Build a marketplace for online learning which enables educators to sell their courses online where users can buy courses and learn from various educators. If you have an idea similar to then you're in the right place. Create your own e-Learning marketplace mobile app and web without writing code. It's easy to get started.

Language-learning app:Globalisation has given birth to multilingualism (use of more than one language by an individual or a community) resulting inincreased demand for language training institutions and online platforms. If you have an app idea like Duolingo and want to build one, we're there to help you. Start building your language learning platform (for mobile and web) without writing code or worrying about the technology behind it. Build that idea today!

Certification platform: Do you want to help universities sell their online courses and certifications online? Start building your own certification platform like Coursera, without writing code. It's easy, fast and cost-effective to build a certification platform with us.

Live classes app: Are you an educator running a university, a college, or a school and want to get your online education app having the facility to team your students online – and not a recorded session? Hundreds of universities and academies have shifted their offline education system to an online one, with the help of technology. Now, it's your turn to build a platform to teach your students online.

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Features for your online learning platform

e-learning app with course detail screens

Some e-learning platforms are extremely useful, practical, easy to use, lovable and have millions in their user base, while others are frustrating, boring, or very nearly useless. It's because of their UI/UX and the way they solve the problems for their users. User interface (UI) is how they interact with you through screens, user experience (UX) is how they feel about all interactions with your e-Learning platform. Your app features play an important role in user experience, which leads to success or failure of your e-learning application. Before you start building your app, let's look at some of the must-have features for mobile learning apps. 

  • Easy to use search bar:Let users find the content of your app that they’re looking for just by putting that search term in the search bar. It’s an essential feature and we can’t even imagine an online learning experience without a search bar.
  • Filters:These are the backbone of a content discovery puzzle that allows users to narrow down a huge set of results through a series of filters – area, ratings, price, or course provider, could be some of them. 
  • Categories:Your app categories are basically a way to divide up your content on your application. Letting your users navigate through different content segments on your app. Content categorised in a helpful manner increases visibility, attracts quality traffic, and, consequently, improves your conversion rates.
  • Easy sign-up:Less friction means higher app signups. One-tap-sign-up lets your user get in using their existing Gmail account, Facebook login or Linkedin. It's a common feature and becoming new normal in app development. 
  • Review & ratings:Let your app users review the content as it’ll help you to improve your content quality. It also means potential users can make a wise decision by reading user reviews.
  • Seamless checkout:No business can survive without monetising their app traffic and to monetise the app you need to have multi-mode payment options for a seamless checkout.
  • Gamification features: make the learning process more fun and you'll appeal to a wider audience. You'll increase student's level of motivation and speed up the learning process too. Everyone wins! 
  • Offline learning: What if your real users have issues with internet access? Make it easy for your target audience to learn anywhere. Offer educational materials that they can download and work on even without an internet connection.
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6 steps to build your learning apps

online learning app with achievement screens
  1. Decide on your type of software: What kind of learning apps do you want to build with us? Whether it’s a mobile app, a desktop app, a web app, or something else – you can select one or any combination.
  1. Choose the most similar app to your idea: It's quicker to find an app that's similar to what you're wanting to build and then customise from there. We've app templates from leaders in the online learning industry. This doesn't limit you at all -- instead it's part of why we're 6x quicker than traditional methods.
  1. Select the features you want: Go with the auto-suggestion from our AI-powered library of features for your online learning app, or add any custom ones you want in your application. 
  1. Select the launch platform: Do you want to go with iOS, Android, Desktop OS (Windows or Mac) or web? Select the launch platform you want to launch your online learning app – go with one or a combination of all.
  1. Select your team and delivery time:Choose the team from the global time zone you prefer and your delivery time (how quickly you want your e-learning app developed).
  2. Launch the app:You’re ready to launch your online learning apps. We’ll help you prepare for a successful launch.
Start building

Why build your online learning apps with us?

Online learning app screens

Online learning platforms usually experience high data transmission rates though need robust code that works flawlessly and doesn’t crash. We just don’t build apps but industry-standard apps that run flawless 24x7. Here’s what we have to offer you and why you should build your online learning app with us.   

Here’s what we have to offer you!

Builder Now: Spec your online learning app in 10 minutes or less with our instant app prototyping tool. It's easy, fast and no cost is involved. Start creating your app prototype for free –now.

Builder Studio: Build your online learning platform (web and app) without writing code. Yes, you read it right. This no-code app builder lets you build any kind of online learning platform without writing code. It's faster and cost-effective to get started. Build your MVP or a full-fledged online learning platform – for mobile platforms, desktop OS, and web today.

Builder Cloud: Get access to any public cloud platform and run your learning apps without worrying about cloud bills. It's impossible to overspend with our prepaid Cloud Wallet. Or choose AI automation and huge monthly savings of up to 20%.

Studio One: Let us take care of your software products so you can stay focused on your business. Our subscription service for code updates, means your software stays fresh forever, without you having to lift a finger. 

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Need a little inspiration?

online learning app

It makes sense to do competitive research before you begin building your own e-learning app. To get you started, here are the 5 most popular online learning platforms with millions of users. See what led to their success. Udemy is an American online learning platform (an online learning marketplace) aimed at professional adults and students. This platform brings earning opportunities to instructors and users can find a plethora of courses from hundreds of educators. If you want to build an online learning marketplace, then this app has everything you’ll need to get started. One of the most amazing platforms to get courses from renowned universities worldwide. They bring you verified content from the top universities around the world. If you have something like Coursera to build, definitely add it to your competitor research. An online learning platform for college students and professionals from MIT and Harvard that brings verified courses from top universities from around the globe. Most of the courses are free and can be accessed from anywhere, anytime.   

Khan Academy: Khan Academy is an online learning platform, initially focused on mathematics for K-12 education. This platform has tremendous tools to learn and practice mathematics, physics, and chemistry.  

Byju’s App: Byju’s is an Indian online tutoring platform having hundreds of online training videos and tools to learn. The platform runs on a freemium model and provides educational content mainly to school students from class 1 to 12 (primary learning to higher secondary level education).

Start building


1. How do I create an e-Learning platform?

Chat to and you'll get free expert advice. You'll also get a fixed price and competitive timelines. And because we use artificial intelligence (as well as expert humans), your e-Learning app development will be faster and more cost effective than traditional methods. 

2. What's the potential values of e-learning services?

Since the pandemic, the online education industry has expanded exponentially. School lockdowns normalised educational technology for a wider audience. Even as the world opens up, the benefits of remote learning means that the online learning industry is predicted to grow to $370 billion by 2026.

3. How do I market my e-Learning platform?

First, you'll need to do proper market analysis. What are the essential features potential students are looking for? Who are the market leaders in your sector? Your market analysis will also point out any gaps in the market. Are there modern technologies you can exploit in your e-Learning course? Found a niche? Now test your e-learning software on real users. Offer a limited trial period to encourage users to try your e-learning application. 

4. What advanced features can be added to an e-learning app?

Chat to your development team about extra features. You can allow direct messaging between students and tutors. Or let them keep in touch with push notifications and video messages. Difficulty levels can be selected by tutors or you can let students select their own learning paths. Go wild with multimedia elements and interactive content. Will your educators teach directly over video link? Or create downloadable video content for offline learning (great for students with unreliable internet connection). The only limit is your imagination. Chat to our experts for ideas about what's worked well for other e-Learning clients. 

5. How much does it cost to build an e-Learning application?

This depends on the development team you choose. Mobile learning apps can use a wide range of technology, how interactive is your content? Are you using artificial intelligence? 

Unlike most e-learning platform development partners, we won't offer you a guess. The price you get before you start is guaranteed by us. How can we do this, when most e-Learning software development runs massively over budget? Simple. We use artificial intelligence, our AI is called Natasha and she'll work out your price and timings using data from all the features on each project we've ever built. And you don't have to wait for this. You'll get this fixed price as soon as you explain exactly what you need to our expert. Give it a try, book a call today.

6. Which is the best learning app for students?

Gamification features let you turn learning achievements into online rewards. Use dopamine hits to  improve students learning outcomes. Can you add a competitive element? Make it sharable on social media and let students compete against each other (and spread the word about your e-Learning app to future users!)

7. What are the factors for e-learning business that actually work?

Offer a freemium version with the basic features so a wider audience can trial your learning materials. Get them hooked with quick tasks, an intuitive user interface and fun graphic elements.  

Clear learning paths make it easy for users to achieve their learning objectives. 

Quick tasks allow a feeling of accomplishment, make sure they can tick off some easy wins early on. This will encourage your users to continue. 

Add in-app purchases for 1to1 tuition, course materials or advanced learning content.

Choose the right partner we're here to make sure your e-Learning platform is a success, from a cost effective build, to a fast delivery time, we'll take you through to a successful launch on the App Stores. 

Start building

Case studies

Solving complex business challenges for global brands like the BBC, Siam Makro, Fujitsu and Virgin Unite.


How we helped Moodit’s users “crowdsource” positivity

With our help, Dr Hassan Yasin created a mental health app designed to help children and adolescents express their worries and improve their social connectedness.

Siam Makro

How we saved Makro 98.3% on order management software costs

Asia’s largest cash and carry needed software that could scale with their rapid growth, so we built them something that allowed them to onboard new customers without technical hiccups.

BBC Click Live

How we helped the BBC run a world-class event experience

BBC Click producers needed an app that enabled their live audience to interact with polls and questions, which delivered in double-quick time.

Want to launch your app like a rocket?

Then learn how to:

  • Create an app strategy to keep your project on track

  • Build an MVP to visualise your project and test functionality

  • Keyword optimise your app so it's visible on mobile app stores

Get the 6-step guide