What is an eCommerce website?

All you need to know about an eCommerce website.

Viveka Nand

Sr SEO Manager at Builder.ai
· 3 minute read
What is ecommerce website

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We live in the era of eCommerce.

eCommerce sales are rising exponentially each and every year - global sales are predicted to rise from $4,206 billion in 2020 to $6,542 billion in 2023.

There’s never been a better time to digitise your business’s commerce strategy - you won’t look back. Lockdowns past, present, and future have only intensified the need to formulate a digital business plan that places eCommerce at the center.

An app or eCommerce website is a first-port-of-call for any brand taking their business online.

But what is an eCommerce website?

An eCommerce website networks and connects customers with products. eCommerce usually involves the sales of physical products, anything from clothes to plants to diamonds to car tires - anything.

But it can also involve the sale of digital products and services, e.g. digital art downloads, 3D printing plans, and other digital files.

The anatomy of an eCommerce website

So what makes an eCommerce website?

There are 3 main components:

  • The storefront
  • The products
  • The checkout

Your storefront

The storefront brings your products together, organising them into categories with tags, filters, descriptions, and other key information.

eCommerce website store front

It acts as a gallery, replicating a physical storefront. Browsing the storefront should be swift, simple, and aesthetically pleasing. Customers should be able to glide through selections of clothes like they can glide through aisles and handrails in real-life clothes stores. Products should be shown in their best light and the entire aesthetic should revolve around your brand.

If the storefront doesn’t look good, it isn’t good.

Your products

Product description on an ecommerce website

The products themselves need to drive sales conversions. This means liquid UX and crystal-clear photography throughout. Customers need to have faith in what they’re buying - they want detail and descriptions that delve into the unique properties of your products and their USPs.

Product features, drop-down boxes, and other features need to work perfectly to keep the attention on the product.

Your checkout

Product checkout page on an ecommerce website

The checkout is the final stage of the customer’s journey. Once products have been added for purchase, the checkout enables customers to input delivery and payment information and data. Checkouts need to be secure with bullet-proof reliability - any sort of glitch or other issues here can be catastrophic, possibly turning away a sale.

Tuned checkouts with well-integrated payment methods, swift ordering functionality, and intelligent order tracking and account creation prevail here.

Other site features

As well as the above, eCommerce websites should feature blog posts, biographies or ‘about us’ sections, and other brand messaging.

Social media integration is also critical for customer engagement and retainment.

Small details help build an intricate, intimate, and memorable picture of your brand.

Build a pristine eCommerce site or app

Businesses today understand the importance of eCommerce strategy and want to get in on the action, and with Studio Store, it’s never been simpler.

Your eCommerce app needs to be:

  • Beautiful
  • Bullet-proof and reliable
  • Fluid with a super-quick UI and UX
  • Engaging
  • Intuitive
  • Secure

Studio Store ticks all the boxes, providing you with a pre-packaged app that perfectly matches your business’s needs.

So, what are you waiting for? Use our award-winning Builder Studio Store to get your hands on a pre-packaged eCommerce app, and take your business to the next level today.

Get a free app prototype now!

Bring your software to life in under 10 mins. Zero commitments.

Viveka Nand

Sr SEO Manager at Builder.ai

Viveka Nand is a Sr SEO manager at Builder.ai where he applies 10+ years of experience to ensure the company’s organic growth on search engines. Viveka has BA from Magadh University, India.

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