What was the impetus behind why you launched the DailyBreath app?
Environmental factors are often overlooked as a determinant of health. The emergence of big data, wearables, AI/machine learning, software-as-a-service, mobile apps offered the opportunity for personalized environmental insights that would help the vulnerable avoid negative asthma outcomes which were an all too common and accepted norm.
Why did you choose to use Builder.ai to build the app? What benefits did using Builder.ai provide to you as an entrepreneur?

I chose Builder.ai because I felt they would offer a reasonable price for development of a go-to-market version of DailyBreath, following several prototype and MVP versions. I ultimately wanted a development platform that would host and manage a SaaS infrastructure, was scaleable and could accommodate the necessary changes to the app on both the iOS and Android platforms as software is upgraded.
What business challenges have you faced during the pandemic? How did Builder.ai enable you to continue your entrepreneurial journey, while also being able to get an app into the marketplace relatively quickly?
I was extremely fortunate. My last business trip prior to the pandemic, in mid-late February 2020, spawned a business relationship that led to an investment of additional dollars that permitted me to pursue development of the go-to-market version of DailyBreath. No journey is easy, but Builder.ai has created a cross-platform version of DailyBreath with enhanced functionality, a better user experience design and a stable platform for available growth. Even after COVID-19 is safely behind us, chronic respiratory illnesses that are affected by the changing climate will still exist.
What’s your vision for the future of asthma management? What role do you see technology playing in changing the way chronic respiratory illnesses, such as asthma, are viewed, approached and managed?

Asthma treatment is absolutely essential, but those with asthma need to focus on trigger management, which requires education, awareness, reduction and avoidance. My hope is that asthma sufferers will be better informed about weather conditions and allergen and pollutant factors, and how these factors change in different locations and can trigger an asthma attack. By providing more robust insights and education, they will better understand when, where and why asthma attacks may occur and use that information to proactively minimize their risks in the future.
On average, ten Americans die from asthma each day. Meanwhile, an average of 3 people in the UK die from asthma each day. Do you believe technology as a whole, and your app in particular, will make any difference in changing these statistics?
It’s a bold claim to state that an app saves lives. There are a number of gaps in allergy and asthma care that DailyBreath was designed to address. But first and foremost, it starts with trigger management. Our goal is to empower those who are vulnerable to asthma attacks so they can use our data and insights to prevent such attacks.
Stories published by the editorial team at Builder.ai.