3 ways AI & Machine Learning can innovate Cloud Computing

Artificial intelligence and cloud.

Greig Robertson

Digital Content Lead
· 4 minute read
Cloud computing

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At Builder Cloud, we’re passionate about trends that impact technology--including the cloud, which powers our numerous global Builder Studio clients. Today, we wanted to consider just several ways in which artificial intelligence and machine learning could impact the cloud (and business more broadly). First, though, what is cloud computing? Cloud computing consists of hardware and software resources made available on the internet as managed external services.Are you curious about how these technologies could impact cloud in the coming year and beyond? Read on, Builders! “The world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data” claimed The Economist in 2017. At Builder, we believe this to be true.

The only difference is today, one can say it boldly because of more opportunities to deep dive into data for insights, thanks to innovative technology solutions--especially in the form of AI & Machine Learning. With larger datasets, heightened workloads and the desire to innovate faster, constantly updated technologies (including, for example, 5G) to provide a competitive edge. In turn, these factors are leading to complementary services to cloud computing. Think: Big Data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) -- all of which fuel the growth of the cloud market. So how else does AI impact cloud computing? Below, we’ve included three other ways cloud computing is impacted by artificial intelligence.

Insight #1: AI can makes data management and decision making easier

Data is the most valuable asset for companies--but only if companies can process the data accurately and draw insights to benefit the company. In processing large amounts of data manually, companies experience various challenges in terms of speed of the process and human errors, among other issues. However, with AI capabilities in place, the more data, the better. Then, AI capabilities combined with off-premise cloud storage data becomes the single most powerful means of transforming a businesses’ data. AI studies the data to analyze, predict, detect potential threats and present insights for companies to make better decisions. Most importantly, the insights generated by AI capabilities are much closer to 100% error-free, irrespective of the data size than their human counterparts.

Insight #2: Easier access to GPU-based pilot projects

In the world of technology, things are sometimes introduced in public without testing at various levels. However, when it comes to testing the capabilities of the project which involves machine learning and neural networks, AI must run on systems with advanced Graphic Processing Units (GPU) to manage the requirements for the massive processing power. Buying advanced GPUs is a very expensive affair, but thankfully with the help of cloud services, companies can access computing resources required for AI-based projects or testing, without overburdening their budgets.

Insight #3: With AI, Machine Learning & the Cloud – the sky's the limit

Even when your firm has no plans of engaging with Machine Learning services, the combined capabilities of using AI with a cloud environment offers cognitive computing--with the power to transform your business. APIs such as text analytics, speech, vision and translation, among other skills are easily accessible to developers and can be integrated into successful, innovative business projects.

Moreover, the flexible storage facility offered by cloud platforms enables companies to harness the power of the cognitive services of AI. The scale of services related to AI in a cloud environment can be as high or as low as required by a firm (or more specifically, their customers). All in all, it’s safe to say that the role of AI in managing cloud infrastructure and business intelligence is only expected to grow stronger day after day. According to Gartner, the business value created by AI is expected to reach $3.9 Trillion by 2022, and now all you Builders know why.

Now let us tell you a little about Builder Cloud. Our human-assisted AI works in the background to buy forward capacity from partners including Amazon Web Services to ensure that we can provide you with capacity exactly when you need it, and at the best price possible. We are the largest AWS partners in India and help move your infrastructure in a way that optimises costs. What's more: our cloud wallet vastly improves monitoring for enterprises, allowing for controlled spending and fixed budgets, automated tracking, local currency support, with all information displayed in real time on an easy-to-use dashboard. So, if you're looking to take it to the next level, then click right here.

Greig Robertson

Digital Content Lead

Greig is the Digital Content Lead at Builder.ai and a University of Bristol History grad. He has 5+ years’ experience in B2B SaaS, creating data-driven, human-friendly content for high-growth tech startups. When Greig needs a dopamine hit, he checks Builder.ai’s keyword rankings.

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