App development made easy
No matter the complexity, we can build your app
Develop Android, iOS, web apps or a combination
Get guaranteed price and clear timelines for your app project
Keep your software up to date and bug free with aftercare
Serving the world's leading brands
"I absolutely would recommend to others. It's been a very easy, smooth process. I've always had a good understanding where we stood on it. My favorite thing about working with is that it really doesn't seem like it's work."
How it works in 4 simple steps
Get matched to an expert
They'll project manage everything - from kick-off to successful delivery.
Tell them what you need
You'll get expert advice and a free prototype. Plus a fixed price and set deadline.
AI assembles your app
Choose features and our AI fits them together (like Lego blocks) to form your app.
Customised by specialists
Designers and developers tailor your features to make them uniquely yours.
How pricing works
At, we think you should only pay for what you need. That’s why you won’t find price lists on our site. Instead, we have a fully transparent, feature-based pricing model — no hidden fees, no nasty surprises.
Step 1 of 5
Choose an app template similar to your idea
This helps us pre-select features you’ll need too, e.g. for a dating app you may select Bumble.
Step 2 of 5
Add features to customise your idea
The price will increase as you add features and decrease when you remove them.
Step 3 of 5
Select your operating system
You can choose Android, iOS, web based or a combination. Costs will increase the more operating systems you add.
Step 4 of 5
Decide your timeline
Tell us how fast you'd like us to build your app.. Faster options have higher costs, while relaxed schedules are more budget friendly.
Step 5 of 5
Choose your payment plan
Select either weekly or monthly installments.
Why Builder Studio?
Make your dream apps reality
We stack the features your web or mobile app needs using reusable, Lego-like building blocks, saving you time and money. Then we make all the customisations you want so your app is uniquely yours. And you never need to speak to an app developer or agency.
Guaranteed price and clear timelines
We charge per feature, with everything defined before the app development process starts. Plus we give you clear timelines up front, meaning nothing spirals out of control down the line.
Ongoing support
We don’t abandon you once your app’s developed. Instead, we give you everything you need for app success with Studio One, which offers 24/7 support while continuously monitoring your software. We make updates, fix bugs and upgrade it before you realise there’s a problem.
How we compare
Here's where dev agencies and app builders fall short.
Software development agencies | Low code / No code app builders | ||
Guaranteed pricing | no hidden costs | extra billable hours added | regular SaaS payments are locked in |
Dedicated project manager | end-to-end support | developers are often the single point of contact | support provided through online tutorials |
Transparent dev process | build progress clearly communicated via project dashboard | timelines may spiral | DIY approach means you’re in charge |
App maintenance | 1 year included | separate charge for updates | may be included in your subscription |
Vendor lock in | freedom to scale and migrate | freedom to scale and migrate | difficult to scale and migrate |
Own the code | control future development of your app | control future development of your app | reliant on provider to release new features |
Hosting options | to suit your needs now and as you grow | to suit your needs now and as you grow | to suit your needs now |